Sunday, August 26, 2012


Before starting to design a dress, some idea of what is in style is helpful.  With a little sleuthing around on and WGSN, I found some trends for fall/winter 2012/2013 that I could actually live with.  

On the “confirmed trend” list was a slim silhouette with sleeves (a more covered-up look), using prints for contour seaming, fabric/color blocking, contrast inserts, paneling details, and embroidery or jeweled embellishments.  Colors tend to be a dark base with lighter colors and prints used for contouring.  Military and Asian influences are quite popular.    Stella McCartney’s designs with lots of navy/cobalt/white embroidery were stunning, and Dolce and Gabbana had some really interesting styles – lots of gold embroidery!  Armed with this knowledge, I was prepared to turn out twenty dress designs. You can see them all below -- and let me know which ones you like!

Just as a postscript, it was noted in the beauty trends that crown braids were in.  I'm on top of that!  (And I was just wondering why all the runway models were so ugly -- that's supposed to be stylish new makeup design.)

Dress 1

Dress 2

Dress 3

Dress 4

Dress 5

Dress 6

Dress 7

Dress 8

Dress 9

Dress 10
Dress 11

Dress 12

Dress 13

Dress 14

Dress 15

Dress 16

Dress 17
Dress 18

Dress 19

Dress 20


  1. Dress #8 is my least favorite.

  2. My favorites are #2 and #19. Maybe the bands at the top of #19 would help the bust look larger and the waist look smaller!

    As an aside, I would love to know what the measurements are on the blanks, or body shapes is that they have you design these on. They look like Barbies to me. :)

  3. @Erin
    Those are two of my favorites, as well. The "blanks" are called "croquis" from the French "croquer" - to sketch. See, I've learned something in this class already! I don't know what the proportions are on the models, but they are typically "9 heads tall." Are you 9 heads tall? I thought not. We are out of proportion. :)
